Music Therapy Vs Sound Therapy
by Katherine Jameson
Many have heard of Music Therapy and understand the basic premise of using Music for therapeutic purposes, such as supporting those with alzheimers and physical rehabilitation. Recently the alternative and holistic wellness industry has had a new focus on something called Sound Therapy, and you may be wondering - how do they differ?
It’s wonderful to explore new avenues of holistic health that incorporate natural ways of promoting relaxation, physical rejuvenation and restoration to the mind and body. Music Therapy and Sound Therapy have many similarities in their backgrounds - both modalities stem from a basic understanding of Music. Music therapy is a relatively new field, where as Sound Therapy or Sound Healing is derived from ancient cultures who have used sound since the beginning of time to induce states of meditation, connections with Higher Consciousness, for spiritual healing, for physical, emotional and mental healing. Within the term ‘Sound’ there are many properties to discover, based on a concept David Gibson of The Globe Institute of Sound Healing speaks on, called the ‘Hierarchy of Sound’.
Music is a component of Sound - but not the only component. You see, within sound there are many elements which can stand alone or play into other elements to bring about healing to the mind, body and spirit. Let’s take a look at the Hierarchy of Sound:
1 - The Frequencies
2 - The tone/ timbre
3- The intervals/ chords
4 - The Time / Musical Flow, rhythms
5 - The Energy & Intention
The main distinction between Music Therapy and Sound Therapy is the element of specific frequencies, and the focus on the consciousness and energetic/ spiritual components of both the client and practitioner. Sound Healing understands the Vibrational nature of this universe and is derived from the Laws of Physics, the law of vibrations. It is important to understand that within the body, the smallest particles, molecular and cellular structures are not solid- rather they are vibrating at a certain frequency. When the body becomes sick, diseased, unwell it is in fact ‘out of tune’. The body is like that of an orchestra: the lungs may be the brass section, the heart may be like the string section, each segment of the orchestra plays a vital role of following the sheet music to stay in coherence with the whole. When we face situations which cause stress via emotional, physical and environmental causes, the individual sections slowly go ‘off script’ and quite literally play ‘out of tune’.
The great thing about vibrational medicine is that a vibration is not set in stone, it has the ability to be shifted into healthier states of resonance. Through the power of a process called ‘Resonance’, which is the act of one thing setting another thing into motion, we can literally resonate our body into harmony, balance and homeostasis. Specific frequencies have healing properties, specific instrumentation causes unique emotional and physical responses on the body. As sound is a physical thing, a mechanical wave, it has the ability to feed energy to the cells and shift the functioning of the body at the cellular and molecular structures.
The second element present within Sound Therapy which is less focused upon in Music therapy is the role of energy and consciousness. Chi, prana, life-force energy, the vital energy which provides life to our body is an important aspect to consider in living a healthy life, free from disease and stress. Approximately 70% of physical ailments are the result of chronic stress within the body. When we stray away from connecting to our Spirit and soul, there is a disconnection to the vital energy which our body needs for sustenance, for creativity, for expansion and growth on a deeper level.
There are many wonderful benefits to explore for healing through the use of Music Therapy and for Sound Therapy, there does not need to be a ‘this way over that way’ scenario. There is room for both Music and Sound as a healing tool to increase health, wellness, vitality, physical healing, emotional soothing and mental relaxation. If you’re interested in learning more about Sound Therapy, Katherine runs three unique trainings of Energy Healing training, Sound healing training and Vibroacoustic Therapy training. There is a plethora of information to be found on the internet, blogs, youtube and more! Do your own research, become curious about vibrational medicine, the use of music for wellness and discover your own pathway to a healthy life!
It’s wonderful to explore new avenues of holistic health that incorporate natural ways of promoting relaxation, physical rejuvenation and restoration to the mind and body. Music Therapy and Sound Therapy have many similarities in their backgrounds - both modalities stem from a basic understanding of Music. Music therapy is a relatively new field, where as Sound Therapy or Sound Healing is derived from ancient cultures who have used sound since the beginning of time to induce states of meditation, connections with Higher Consciousness, for spiritual healing, for physical, emotional and mental healing. Within the term ‘Sound’ there are many properties to discover, based on a concept David Gibson of The Globe Institute of Sound Healing speaks on, called the ‘Hierarchy of Sound’.
Music is a component of Sound - but not the only component. You see, within sound there are many elements which can stand alone or play into other elements to bring about healing to the mind, body and spirit. Let’s take a look at the Hierarchy of Sound:
1 - The Frequencies
2 - The tone/ timbre
3- The intervals/ chords
4 - The Time / Musical Flow, rhythms
5 - The Energy & Intention
The main distinction between Music Therapy and Sound Therapy is the element of specific frequencies, and the focus on the consciousness and energetic/ spiritual components of both the client and practitioner. Sound Healing understands the Vibrational nature of this universe and is derived from the Laws of Physics, the law of vibrations. It is important to understand that within the body, the smallest particles, molecular and cellular structures are not solid- rather they are vibrating at a certain frequency. When the body becomes sick, diseased, unwell it is in fact ‘out of tune’. The body is like that of an orchestra: the lungs may be the brass section, the heart may be like the string section, each segment of the orchestra plays a vital role of following the sheet music to stay in coherence with the whole. When we face situations which cause stress via emotional, physical and environmental causes, the individual sections slowly go ‘off script’ and quite literally play ‘out of tune’.
The great thing about vibrational medicine is that a vibration is not set in stone, it has the ability to be shifted into healthier states of resonance. Through the power of a process called ‘Resonance’, which is the act of one thing setting another thing into motion, we can literally resonate our body into harmony, balance and homeostasis. Specific frequencies have healing properties, specific instrumentation causes unique emotional and physical responses on the body. As sound is a physical thing, a mechanical wave, it has the ability to feed energy to the cells and shift the functioning of the body at the cellular and molecular structures.
The second element present within Sound Therapy which is less focused upon in Music therapy is the role of energy and consciousness. Chi, prana, life-force energy, the vital energy which provides life to our body is an important aspect to consider in living a healthy life, free from disease and stress. Approximately 70% of physical ailments are the result of chronic stress within the body. When we stray away from connecting to our Spirit and soul, there is a disconnection to the vital energy which our body needs for sustenance, for creativity, for expansion and growth on a deeper level.
There are many wonderful benefits to explore for healing through the use of Music Therapy and for Sound Therapy, there does not need to be a ‘this way over that way’ scenario. There is room for both Music and Sound as a healing tool to increase health, wellness, vitality, physical healing, emotional soothing and mental relaxation. If you’re interested in learning more about Sound Therapy, Katherine runs three unique trainings of Energy Healing training, Sound healing training and Vibroacoustic Therapy training. There is a plethora of information to be found on the internet, blogs, youtube and more! Do your own research, become curious about vibrational medicine, the use of music for wellness and discover your own pathway to a healthy life!
Our Sound Healing tracks
Personalised Water Encoding VibroAcoustic Sound Track - Heal With Your Voice
Unlock the power of sound and water and your own voice with our Personalised Sound Healing Track. Harnessing the principles of cymatics, the groundbreaking research of Dr. Masaru Emoto, and the transformative potential of sound, this unique service allows you to...